In this form, it is used as a desiccant to control local humidity to avoid spoilage or degradation of some goods.
Tissue preparation is often done at cold temperatures to avoid protein denaturing and degradation.
It helps generate foreign investment and encourages new technology development and deployment while avoiding environmental degradation where possible.
Caveolae can be used for entry to the cell by some pathogens and so they avoid degradation in lysosomes.
Monitors can be removed for a few minutes without invalidating collected data, but proper reattachment is critical to avoid degradation of its signals.
Such metals are reactive, so they require a capping layer of aluminium to avoid degradation.
Maintenance helps to avoid degradation of heavily used areas, infill compaction and is generally required per a manufacturer's warranty.
Select upland rather than wetlands sites for development projects and avoid wetland alteration or degradation during project construction.
The majority of the sculpture is now replaced with modern replicas to avoid further degradation.
Historical documents may also be stored under an inert gas to avoid degradation.