They avoided him "at all costs" despite his attempts to befriend them.
Until now, Israel has generally sought to avoid deportation despite the group's illegal status, searching instead for a humane solution.
And he will avoid technology and telecommunications companies altogether, despite potential bargains.
Abolitionists who had earlier given their commitment to an integrated movement still hoped to avoid open conflict despite these tensions.
Likewise, they may also respond falsely in order to avoid social judgment or societal views on the subject, despite anonymity.
Meredith was able to avoid injury throughout his career, despite the extremely physical nature of the game during the period.
Tap water, on the other hand, is increasingly seen by these people as subject to pollution and worth avoiding despite its bottled cousins' high cost.
Giambi avoided the disabled list last season despite weakness in his left knee, finding ways to manage the pain.
The government avoids the term privatization, despite the involvement of two foreign private companies as key partners in the mixed company.
The chancellor was betting he could avoid a second recession despite his austerity fixation.