It would be a hell of a thing if humanity finally managed to avoid destroying itself, only to be destroyed by another species.
But I believe we can spare the required shield power with enough of a safety margin to avoid destroying the shuttle.
He's promised us useful, not to say vital, information if we'll just avoid destroying the properties here he has interests in.
Kernels were ground slowly, to avoid destroying the wheat germ.
Yet for all his ruthlessness, the Marine was equally determined not to destroy anything he could avoid destroying.
To avoid destroying evidence, they cannot change clothes, shower, eat, drink or use the bathroom.
The message to road-builders is unmistakable: try to avoid destroying America's heritage unless it's just too much trouble.
How will we avoid destroying ourselves as well as our enemy?
Also, both sides tried to avoid destroying the city's facilities and the most important buildings were declared de-militarized zones.
Under the conditions established by the park service, he had to avoid destroying certain historic aspects of the airfield, like the tarmac.