To avoid dilution of the brand, Toro embarked on a companywide cost-cutting campaign, so it could sell the low-priced model without sacrificing on quality - or profit.
The heat is transferred to the shale through the pipe walls rather than being injected directly into the rubble, thereby avoiding dilution of the product hydrocarbons with the heating gas.
To avoid such dilution, BankAmerica would not issue common stock directly, selling only warrants and perhaps convertible preferred shares and notes.
To avoid dilution, the radiopaque material is typically introduced with a catheter, a process known as selective angiocardiography.
Unlike most computer companies that funded their growth by issuing stock, An Wang had used debt to avoid further dilution of family control of the company.
So companies bought back more and more of their shares to avoid such dilution.
He is the treasurer and incoming chief financial officer of Microsoft, a company that heretofore has bought back stock almost every quarter, seeking to avoid dilution from the company's huge stock option program.
According to Bright, all the songs have been selected to fit within a narrow set of music genres, "punk, alternative rock, and classic rock", to avoid dilution of the game's focus.
Mostly the feed solution is highly concentrated to avoid dilution of the bioreactor.
We will thus be able to avoid a duplication and therefore dilution of any efforts made.