"He's just playing a game to avoid extradition."
This practice, which is on the increase, has at minimum the effect of limiting the ability of certain people to travel or to avoid extradition.
Mokbel made every effort to avoid extradition to Australia.
He lost his appeals to avoid extradition when the United States Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
Hanes visited with him on July 5-6, 1968, approximately 10 days before Ray dropped his bid to avoid extradition.
I am not referring to the battle to avoid extradition to Spain on charges of torture and genocide.
Within six months of leaving the department, he was helping a leader of the Cali cartel avoid extradition.
He'd been on the moon to avoid extradition because of past impulses which society called murderous.
Sir Anthony, a British citizen who has also asserted his innocence, is expected to be able to avoid extradition and prosecution.
Seeing as you've avoided it, and extradition to it, for seven years.