Divorce lawyers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut agree that their divorce laws were reformed precisely to avoid unfairness and economic hardship.
The Foreign Ministry statement called on Albanians to first seek a proper passport and visa "so as to avoid unnecessary hardship."
Umar issued instructions that Ushr should be levied in such a way so as to avoid hardship, that it will not affect the trade activities in the Islamic empire.
British Overseas citizens cannot generally pass on British Overseas citizenship, except in limited cases to avoid statelessness or other hardship.
The right to avoid hardship: that any reasonable request for postponement ordinarily be granted to allow service at a more convenient time.
Increasingly, moderates are willing to organize and voice opposition to the American trade embargo and other sanctions to avoid further hardship on Cuba.
But that may not be sufficient to avoid major hardship for some families, including the loss of employment as a result of the vehicle's confiscation.
In this way, we shall also avoid considerable economic hardship.
To avoid needless hardship, Congress should permanently restore the legal provision that allowed these immigrants to get green cards without returning to their home countries.
The pace of reform, to avoid too much further hardship, will also be debated.