This does not change the data rate, but does give the signal more robustness and avoids sudden increases in error rates.
Higher interest rates and a booming stock market should raise the insurers' earnings on investments, giving them an incentive to avoid increases.
Even if in top form, avoid abrupt increases in speed or duration.
Timing can be important in selling to avoid increases, he said.
The Administration, still opposed to raising taxes, gladly supports charades to avoid real increases.
And a sales tax would require much higher rates than proponents would accept to avoid indefensible increases in federal deficits.
The state should also plan better to avoid large, sudden increases.
Calcium or glucose/insulin will be given through a vein to help avoid dangerous increases in blood potassium levels.
Of course, we will have to match the increase with greater fuel efficiency in order to avoid major increases in emissions.
The board decided to put the money in the bank, saying it would avoid increases in our maintenance.