You tried very hard to avoid joining in any of the discussions unless you were asked a direct question.
What can be learned from history that could help us avoid joining the ranks of those who declined swiftly?
Carolina is trying to avoid joining the list of teams that have missed the playoffs the year after going to the Super Bowl.
And though the women were asked to avoid joining a formal exercise group, they became 25 percent more active on average.
It can create an atmosphere where people would avoid joining the group for privacy or other reasons.
During series 5, Jamie does his best to avoid joining the family business.
You should avoid joining dissimilar materials using adhesives or welding.
He avoided joining Stacey in laughter by the barest of margins.
Only about 10 to 20% were able to avoid joining.
South Africa has an unemployment rate of 51 per cent among young people, and many see university as their only way to avoid joining the jobless.