Despite several measures to avoid overcrowding of the student section, fans in the bottom rows of the northeast section of the stadium appeared to press forward in the final minutes as the Badgers maneuvered for the potential game-winning kick.
Local Authority housing usually satisfies most of the basic criteria used to assess housing deprivation in the Census, for example being self-contained, having baths and inside toilets and avoiding overcrowding.
Southern Vectis have made improvements in preparation; for example in 2008 the Needles tour had an extra bus rostered to avoid possible overcrowding.
The dental issues he observed include the proper development of the facial structure (to avoid overcrowding of the teeth) in addition to dental caries.
Only one egg is laid per leaf to avoid overcrowding of the caterpillars.
For the first time in at least 25 years, Mr. Mohrman said that the town has been forced to limit the number of people allowed in the pool area to avoid dangerous overcrowding.
To avoid overcrowding of the station, trains arriving during the morning peak period use alternate island platforms whenever possible.
Municipal pools in Hempstead and North Hempstead, jammed with frustrated beachgoers, were forced, for the first time in recent memory, to limit the number of people allowed in the pool to avoid dangerous overcrowding.
As there is only a pavement capacity of about 150,000 along the key streets of the event, contingency plans to avoid dangerous overcrowding are being considered.
But to compensate for the fact that there are now too many people on the planet something must give, and if we are to avoid future overcrowding and over consumption hardships we must have fewer kids.