That way, customers could freely copy their songs for personal purposes, but would avoid posting them online for fear of being hunted down.
Ms. Tandy said her site tries to exclude children under 13 and avoids posting "X-rated" material.
Avoid posting your bit twice.
In September, Nelson and William Hunt sought bankruptcy protection to avoid posting a $225 million bond to appeal the verdict.
As a result, American Medical filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection two weeks ago to avoid posting the full $9.8 million award before filing an appeal.
So please do us all a favor and let us know your site feedback directly and avoid posting it in articles like this.
The judges' decision sets a precedent for other minors who may avoid posting their opinions online for fear of being smacked down by the state.
Travelers avoided posting an even higher loss, industry analysts said, by releasing $16 million from tax contingency reserves.
New businesses want to avoid posting this sign.
Last week Texaco suffered a setback in its efforts to avoid posting a huge bond related to the judgment.