As a result, the F.D.A. warned in June that physicians should avoid prescribing Paxil to children and teenagers.
The doctors said they expected to avoid prescribing narcotic painkillers for Mr. Clinton.
That removes some of the temptation to avoid prescribing costly procedures like organ transplants.
When asked how often they avoided prescribing a preferred drug for noncancer pain, because doing so required triplicate forms, half said "frequently."
Some doctors avoid prescribing diuretics, Dr. Moser said, because of exaggerated concerns about side effects like elevated blood sugar and cholesterol.
Side effects from topiramate include sleep problems, mood changes and difficulty with memory, concentration and attention - results that cause some weight-loss doctors to avoid prescribing it.
More than 40 percent of doctors reported avoiding prescribing appropriate medication because they knew the drug might be involved in litigation.
This information might help avoid prescribing antiretroviral medications to which the source-virus is likely to be resistant.
As a naturopathic physician, I try to avoid prescribing OTC medications whenever I can.
In August, Wyeth issued a warning that doctors should avoid prescribing Effexor to youngsters because it, too, seemed to cause them to become more suicidal.