This is often an avoidable cause of death in house fires.
Tobacco products are the single, major avoidable cause of cancer, causing more than 155,000 deaths among smokers in the United States annually due to various cancers.
This is at its most extreme for lung cancer, which is an almost entirely avoidable cause of death (i.e. it is strongly associated with smoking).
"Other than cigarettes, alcohol is the leading avoidable cause of mortality."
According to Unicef, more than 10 million children die every year - about 30,000 per day - from avoidable, poverty-related causes.
He is known for his contributions on avoidable causes of cancer, for which he was given the Right Livelihood Award in 1998.
The committee found that, though underwater cables were notorious in their lack of reliability, most of the problems arose from known and avoidable causes.
More than a fifth of children die in infancy, and 45,000 under-fives perish each year from avoidable causes.
We also need to highlight the link between cancer and obesity - the most avoidable cause of cancer after tobacco.
Doctors say smoking is the chief avoidable cause of death in the nation.