Walter Heiligenberg: the jamming avoidance response and beyond.
Because the avoidance response is adaptive, humans have learned to utilize it in training animals such as dogs and horses.
The avoidance response comes into play here when punishment is administered.
When these areas of the brain are lesioned or removed, animals display difficulty in maintaining a conditioned avoidance response.
The avoidance response can be extinguished using a procedure called "flooding" or response prevention.
See for example studies involving avoidance response.
Further, it is important to note the presence of possible avoidance responses.
His attention and company are pleasant consequences, and are likely to strengthen the wife's avoidance response.
This field may be modulated so that its frequency and wave form are unique to the species and sometimes, the individual (see Jamming avoidance response).
The whelk does not display an avoidance response in the presence of Pisaster giganteus.