Destroying me was their avowed goal.
Jaffar's avowed goal is the establishment of an Islamic government in Indonesia, although many believe his true agenda is more personal.
This reduces to absurdity the avowed goal of making money and or responsibility to the shareholders.
Customers would be put off, he said, by the company's increased financial leverage and its avowed goal of pushing Computer Associates' software products.
Foreman's avowed goal now is to get one last shot at the heavyweight crown.
The avowed goal was to reduce the number of children born to women on welfare.
Their avowed goal was to "guarantee the safety and unity of Anatolia."
That indicates there is a purpose behind the avowed goals.
Although his avowed goal was to do well by doing good, he was a jock, he wanted to win, to be celebrated, to kiss the cup.
In the Piscataway case, the avowed goal - racial diversity within a single, small department of an otherwise diverse faculty - does not seem "compelling."