Therefore, we accept California's avowed economic purpose as the rationale for enacting 25524.2.
Its avowed purpose was to preserve, conserve and transmit knowledge.
Especially since Lucas had mustered a force with the avowed purpose "of murdering our citizens."
Such, however, was not the avowed purpose of that tour.
Until 1931 the Conference concerned itself only with athletics as that was the avowed purpose of its organization.
The avowed purpose of these meetings is to extinguish the quest for freedom by the Kurdish people.
That's not good news, as the avowed purpose of the novel is to play off one character against the other.
The avowed purpose is to convince global lenders and investors that they should not abandon ship.
Their avowed purpose is to wreck the Social Contract and the democratic system under which we live.
To do so was the avowed purpose of the institution.