But union officials noted that in addition to 10 rulings that found illegal tactics, Wal-Mart had settled eight other cases, with nearly two dozen other complaints awaiting adjudication.
Mr. Gaston was arrested on Dec. 12 on charges of second-degree robbery and criminal trespassing and was being held at Rikers while awaiting adjudication of his case.
Those awaiting adjudication are not deportable and, in most cases, are given a work authorization.
The Chesapeake was to await adjudication in the colonial Admiralty court, while the Confederate prisoner Wade was to be given to the American authorities for extradition.
The problem is in how he interprets the rules governing how to control the 270 youths under his care awaiting adjudication on such criminal charges as murder and selling drugs.
Chicago's Tank Johnson was recently sentenced to four months in prison for a probation violation stemming from an earlier weapons charge, and he still has an outstanding weapons charge awaiting adjudication.
In the 2002 fiscal year, more than 9,000 asylum seekers were detained while awaiting adjudication of their claims, according to government statistics.
Some of the families held at the Hutto facility are awaiting adjudication of their claims for relief or asylum.
The risk assessment is to determine the risk a defendant has of failing to appear in court or of committing a new crime while awaiting adjudication.
Here, teen-agers who are awaiting adjudication - that is, who are still legally innocent - are tossed in with repeat offenders for four days of tough love.