I went through this "awaiting discharge with an appropriate care package" with a family member this time last year.
Hendershot awaited discharge through the closing months of 1862.
Over time, however, the 29th/46th's numbers began to dwindle as men with the appropriate number of points were returned to Australia to await demobilisation and discharge.
This force was now fully armed, awaiting discharge and the promised rewards.
On 17 October she returned to San Diego with veterans awaiting discharge, then proceeded to Panama and the east coast.
One of her patients was awaiting discharge when she discovered he owned no clothes.
The tirailleurs involved were former prisoners of war who had been repatriated to West Africa and placed in a holding camp awaiting discharge.
Among the patients awaiting discharge was a 33-year-old woman, a former drug addict with two teen-age children.
Where possible, service men and women were placed on leave and allowed to return home while awaiting discharge.
Midshipman Joe L. Smith, who was already awaiting discharge, remained at large, law-enforcement officials said.