Several agencies, in fact, are still awaiting payment on signed 1999 contracts!
While the enforcers await payment, they typically torture the debtors.
Their sellers meanwhile still await payment from Tajan.
"We've had cordial discussions with the mayor's office, and we're awaiting payment from the government for the units that have been taken over."
All four members of the London Burker gang were arrested while still awaiting payment.
Many of these families have been granted bond and are awaiting payment so that they can be released.
They could await payment, sell the murderer into slavery, or kill the murderer.
Artists, utility companies and local businesses are among those awaiting payment, said the new executive director, Ken Pierson, who started last month.
He held out his hand, awaiting payment.
She is taken captive to Tortuga where she is to await payment of her ransom.