As of 2011, some 71,000-77,000 remained in camps in Nepal awaiting resettlement.
Of the more than 56,000 Vietnamese in Hong Kong, only about 12,000 are considered refugees awaiting resettlement in a third country.
She had been in Qatar awaiting resettlement as a refugee.
Once in Thailand, most spent several years in overcrowded refugee camps awaiting resettlement.
Asean countries have borne the burden of providing temporary refuge to Indochinese refugees while they await resettlement in the West.
The 12,000 boat people in Hong Kong who arrived before the screening program took effect were automatically granted refugee status and are awaiting resettlement overseas.
Hong Kong now has about 45,000 Vietnamese in camps awaiting resettlement as refugees, or, if rejected by the screening process, eventual return to Vietnam.
Of the 57,000 Vietnamese in Hong Kong, only 13,000 are classified as refugees and are awaiting resettlement.
Mr. Geyrhalter's camera moves too, among those who still await resettlement and among the men who stand guard over the vehicle depot.
About 50,000 Vietnamese boat people are in Asian camps awaiting resettlement.