The sway of her hips awakened feelings that had been dormant earlier in the day, and he wondered again about his relationship with his wife.
He had awakened feelings inside of her, a hunger that threatened to consume her.
Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known.
An emotion, a need he had thought long dead, stirred to life within him, awakening feelings no ghost should be having.
What did he awaken in her - feelings and beliefs she thought long slain?
Touched, Tracy's heart softened toward him, awakening feelings she had never thought to feel again.
Now the slow burn of his steady gaze awakened feelings within her which were scary.
He seemed to radiate energy and to awaken heightened feelings.
"I didn't have any relationship with him," she says and resists her son's efforts to awaken deeper feelings.
He's touched something in me, awakened feelings I haven't felt in a very long time.