At some point in the 1970s he undertook a short part-time course leading to the award of an 'associate degree' from Thomas Edison State College.
There are also some undergraduate degree qualifications, such as the Bachelor of Education, that lead to the award of a first degree and QTS.
Following the award of an associate degree, students are eligible to transfer to any university in the United States which recognizes Lone Star College System credit.
Some of these courses lead to the award of a degree or another formal sub-degree qualification.
Undergraduate students have to pass all examinations and obtain at least 120 credits in three years to be eligible for award of a degree.
Graduation is the award or acceptance of an academic degree or diploma .
He did not receive a college degree until the award of an honorary degree from Wabash College in 1951.
The department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the award of a degree.
At this time the Juris Doctor does not exist in India; no official entity in India authorizes the award of such a degree.
"Health professionals" are highly skilled workers, in professions that usually require extensive knowledge including university-level study leading to the award of a first degree or higher qualification.