In the last two years, however, the agency awarded about 190 construction contracts of $500,000 or less, worth about $25 million annually.
The chapter has awarded about $40,000 worth of scholarships to more than 40 students in the last seven years.
The other 28 teams that aren't playing will be awarded about 825 tickets apiece, the league has said.
The state has awarded about $150,000 each year to hundreds of arts groups through the grant program.
Of 15,478 doctorates awarded in science and engineering, about 60 percent went to Americans.
Over all, 699 math doctorates were awarded, many to foreigners, down from about 1,200 in 1970.
Mr. Borders said he would be awarded about $3 million, after lawyers' fees, if the settlement went through.
He was awarded about 50 US patents in his 30 year career.
The contract was awarded on June 22, 1920, and cost about 250,000 dollars.
It was eventually awarded about half of all the students in the city.