Although he didn't turn away from political themes completely, he never again gave political ideas such a prominent place in his fiction.
Eventually he moved away from melancholic, depressive themes towards authentic descriptions of villagers and country life.
By midseason, low ratings led to a title change and a shift - for the most part - away from paranormal themes.
In his later works he has moved away from purely political themes, embracing a range of surrealist, magical, philosophical and comic subjects.
By 1936, the mass appeal of film allowed directors to move away from religious and mythological themes.
This veteran Philadelphia realist-turned-allegorist doesn't shy away from big visionary themes.
Milius moved away from urban themes after two years, and in 1936 began introducing industrial themes into her work.
Upon his return to Minneapolis he began a series of oil paintings which moved away from religious themes.
In general, though, it is best to stay away from themes that are too confining.