It is now elegant, filled with museum-quality antiques buffed to a fare-thee-well and silver and china in awesome arrays.
She stood very still and listened as she gazed at the awesome array of tombstones.
There is still an awesome array of vodkas.
For a few brief moments, the sky was a canvas and the sun splashed its awesome array of colors with bold strokes.
America, iris true, still possesses an awesome array of natural resources, which we will never have.
Shiki brought an awesome array of weapons into the game.
Hotels can usually be counted on for an awesome array of desserts.
Also cheering the industry is the fact that 40 percent of new babies are born today to first-time parents, prime customers for the awesome array of infant paraphernalia.
A translucent bandolier crisscrossed the center ring and boasted an awesome array of instruments, gear, and, perhaps, weapons.
But it was still an awesome array of firepower.