The orchestra, for its part, must realize a highly unconventional score, dominated by processions of whole notes and containing instructions like "transcendent, with awesome majesty."
For all its awesome majesty, however, a modern carrier group actually disposes of astonishingly little offensive striking power.
A big man in perfect control, Marius rose to his feet in awesome majesty.
But there, too, one was struck by the transparency and tactile loveliness of the sound, not with its visceral impact or awesome majesty.
He was overcome by the awesome majesty of her beauty.
Scene after scene, each filling the dome, all building to a culmination of awesome majesty.
In the name, then, of its awesome majesty I shall, in voluntary torments, descend into my grave.
As they climbed into the mountains, night descended in its awesome majesty upon the old continent.
The wagon emerged onto open ground and in the distance Ulmenetha could see the awesome majesty of the canyon.
"With awesome majesty," as the score puts it, the cello plays sustained notes in F major, circling around the fourth tone of the scale.