Pack a camera - and an eye for adventure - because these lush pockets of wilderness will reward travellers with exciting animal encounters, awesome photographic opportunities and sweet memories to last a lifetime.
Nathan agreed: 'It's an awesome opportunity.
Amazingly, the American people have yet to be told of the awesome opportunity and responsibility presented by democracy's triumph over Communism.
This is an awesome opportunity and awesome experience.
I shivered with excitement at the awesome opportunity suddenly opened up to me.
It is not every day, after all, that one has the awkward, awesome opportunity to confront the man who has the power to make irreversible decisions worth millions of dollars.
Dr. Clark and I had the awesome opportunity to dive in at the GA Aquarium yesterday and swim in the big tank.
"It's an awesome opportunity to play for such an expert with a tonal quality like hers," Hannah said.
Mills walked Mariano Duncan to load the bases and give the Yanks an awesome opportunity.
Last night, Wells had the awesome opportunity to be treated like a hero in the Bronx if he could squelch the familiar team that the Yankees have chased all season.