Surprisingly, this awkward move is the only good response to White's dual threats against f7 and e5; 4...Ng5 would be met by 5.
This was a system that would force awkward moves on the part of anyone who had taken up his trail.
With a quick, awkward move, he made himself lower the rebellious hand.
It came, an awkward move, and then one supremely skillful twist.
He felt like a green youth, all eager nerves and awkward moves.
It was Matsui's only awkward move of the night.
Hamid put his arm around her; it was the first awkward move that Farrell had seen him make.
She explained quickly as she unbuckled her seat belt with her left hand, an awkward move.
First, two parallel cracks must be climbed with an awkward move in between.
However, when the actor starts to think he is so different from O'Malley, an awkward move can suggest otherwise.