During their awkward reunion, Buck makes a sexual advance on Charlie in the bathroom.
After a very awkward reunion, their relationship begins to grow again, and Carter offers to go to Africa with Kem and start all over.
Whether the peace accords can ever take hold in Srebrenica may depend on how average Bosnians respond to awkward reunions with former neighbors who became enemies.
They share an awkward reunion with Penelope reflecting on the differences between them (Faded Dreams) before they part for the last time.
They have an awkward but cordial reunion, and sing "White Christmas".
He started to say something more, to cinch his argument, to end this awkward reunion, to send her back out of his life.
After an initially awkward reunion, Gatsby and Daisy reestablish their connection.
After the event, he has an awkward reunion with Joshua's mother Kem (Thandie Newton), who is briefly in town.
The two had a brief, awkward reunion, and it seemed only fitting that it took place in a museum.
After an initially awkward reunion, Gatsby and Daisy reconnect, and they begin an affair.