The Inspector believes the ax stroke was blocked by an I impulse of the witness's eyes or brains before it reached the state of memory.
I got better at it, and over a period of time I killed and killed and killed, getting less and less bloody, swifter and swifter, surer with my ax stroke until, finally, I could kill efficiently and without emotion or thought.
When I started back toward the table Master Li was preparing to remove the top of the corpse's head with a saw, and Yen Shih was measuring fibula and tibia for ax strokes.
"Nearer my God to thee," hummed Gimlet, cutting the last stay with a quick ax stroke.
His opponent- helmeted and armored even as he was- feigned an ax stroke at his knees.
His bullets cut the wires as neatly as an ax stroke.
The last ax strokes were made.
So while no particular one is a disaster for us, every time one goes it's another ax stroke.
A few careful ax strokes cleared the way with ease.