Chelation by the boron agent blocks the bottom face by placing R in an axial position.
The presence of a fifth water molecule in the axial position is not ruled out, however.
The axial position of this world is changing!
The configuration which places the carboxylate in the axial position is the alpha-anomer.
Chirality at C-1 is also important as it implies an axial position for ring E.
Internal clearance is established during mounting by the axial position of the cone relative to the cup.
This makes it very crowded when bulky substituents are oriented in the axial position.
A thermal isomerization process at 60 C closes the 360 cycle back to the axial positions.
The shaft has to be mounted with bearings in an axial position before position zero.
The resulting framework after removal of two water molecules from axial positions possesses porous channel.