The cottage was bathed in their azure light as the two lights from the heavens touched the snow.
Silhouetted against a disc of azure light, a man stood at the far end of the passageway.
He pointed at a flickering fan of azure light.
The tentacle touched him, and the dull blue of his robe flashed out into blinding, intense azure light.
At once the pain faded, and there came a rush of azure light.
Filling the air above the orchestra with azure light and dangling reflective patches was a bright idea that failed.
As it was, the beam glanced off the wall behind him and filled their hiding place with azure light.
The empty streets and half finished palaces were shadowless in the pale azure light.
The robot winked at her with a single azure light.
Wrapped in azure light, they made their way to the heart of their enemies* stronghold.