I have to admit that, at first, I only wore them secretly ... why would a model in the making wear baby booties!
American fashion designers have been aggressive at making their companies vertical operations, producing everything from bedsheets to baby booties.
I didn't get these biceps by knitting baby booties.
Do a pair of baby booties when the house is in session!"
Just some old mortgage papers, her husband's military record-a bad conduct discharge-and a pair of bronzed baby booties from their first grandchild.
He handed Alex a new box of baby booties.
The rest of the time she knits and crochets sweaters and baby booties to trade at trueque clubs.
Malarkey glanced over and saw More looking at a knitted pair of baby booties.
For those still hopeful that there will be crocheted baby booties in the future--might as well pack up your knitting needles now.
Mrs. Mindio, Benson's assistant for the last ten years, sat knitting a pair of baby booties.