These include grilled baby eggplant, brushed with the concentrated shrimp paste called trassi until it is positively aggressive.
In a few years the chefs expect to be able to buy such "alien" produce as raspberries, baby eggplants and baby zucchinis regularly.
It is also difficult to understand how anyone who has eaten those unpleasantly bitter baby eggplants could recommend them.
We began eating in restaurants that served baby eggplants and hard-to-pronounce varieties of fish baked in parchment.
By the time the pickled radish, sliced baby eggplant, decoratively carved zucchini and tomatoes are gone, the entire table seems at peace.
If you have a choice, select either baby eggplant or white eggplant: they are less likely to be bitter than the large purple eggplants.
It would be a shame not to taste the delicious small, charred baby eggplants stuffed with spiced lamb.
It came with a melt-in-the-mouth roasted and stuffed baby eggplant.
Another impressive opener was the stuffed baby eggplant.
Tandoori lamb chops, stuffed baby eggplant and pepper chicken curry are on the menu.