Make sure that your baby is latching on and feeding well.
If your baby can't feed well or at all (such as during an illness), be sure to gently pump enough to empty each breast.
As long as stools remain soft and your baby is feeding well, it should not be a concern.
Your formula-fed baby will need night feeds at first.
The baby feeds on the mother's milk until the age of five, but also eats solid food from as early as six months old.
Secondary to compression of the esophagus babies often feed poorly.
The parent opened a hole in the forest, so that the baby could feed on the little saplings.
She smiles very faintly, as someone hands her a crying baby to feed.
Listen for a regular sucking and swallowing pattern while the baby is feeding.
It's usually okay if it takes longer than 2 days, especially if your baby is feeding well and seems comfortable.