As for the wall art, it's a pair of paintings of nipple-shaped pink things that look like - no, are - a couple of baby pacifiers.
Unlike the baby pacifiers that inspired them, they were not made of soft rubber but of hard plastic in bright colors including chartreuse and fuchsia.
Finally he bought a baby pacifier, to use instead of the bulb.
"It might even be a superior design for all baby pacifiers," she said.
Gold teeth were big, then baby pacifiers worn around the neck, now colorful ski hats.
His Talking Machine resembles a baby pacifier.
The machine suggests the blades of a sexual reaper, or a battalion of baby pacifiers, or a Stone Age chariot of wrathful fire.
The hallmarks of the scene were baggy trousers, brightly coloured, loose-fitting clothing, accessories like baby pacifiers and ski-goggles - and drugs.
Ecstasy causes muscle tension and jaw-clenching, which has led to the use of baby pacifiers to reduce this discomfort.