Why should the infidel feast while our babies starve and die?
I've personally seen enough health ministers in African countries wearing Armani and driving a Mercedes while babies starve at their feet.
The baby starved to death.
You're eating well while babies starve in the Endrayan Realm- because this corrupt government wants them to starve!
The U.S. Marine Corps is gonna let your 220-pound baby starve to death.
He couldn't be that cruel, he couldn't let a baby starve to death, no matter how much he hated Durc's mother.
If it wasn't for my mother, our baby would starve to death.
If you remove everything at once, the baby starves.
"We're not going to let babies starve," Mr. Shaw told the governors at their winter meeting here today.
This causes a baby to be rejected and abandoned, leaving the babies to starve and eventually die.