Second and subsequent babies tend to engage later as the pelvic bones are slightly different.
Though there is not much documentation, doctors say babies are generally born smaller at high altitude and tend to grow more slowly.
And I think everyone recognizes that babies who are happier just tend to do better.
Most babies, I had observed, tend to be spherical.
The baby, pressing a little against her lungs, was tending to make her short of breath.
But in reality, your pregnancy could take a little longer, as first babies tend to be later than 40 weeks.
"The baby tends to shut the mother out and become very irritable when she tries to attend to his needs," he said.
The mothers and babies tend to wake each other up during the night.
Smoking mothers' babies tend to be smaller than usual and more likely to have breathing problems.
Preliminary research indicates that babies with plagiocephaly tend to have learning difficulties later on in school.