The largest baby, Christian, weighed about two and a half pounds.
I am a woman who has had a baby weighing more than nine pounds at birth?
The baby weighs about 10 ounces and is a little over 6 inches long.
Our baby is a month old and doesn't weigh that much!
The babies, who were due June 16, weighed at least two pounds each.
By the end of the ninth month, the baby weighs 6 to 9 pounds and is 19 to 21 inches long.
A 23-week baby might weigh 500 grams, just over a pound.
Sometimes babies of six months or a year weigh little more than newborns.
It was a baby, weighing no more than five pounds, but a permit nonetheless.
Heather was the smallest baby of all, weighing in under six pounds.