The tall, baby-faced man with the ponytail is David Weeks.
For some minutes more the baby-faced little man stood there under the spot in his slept-in suit, making his slept-in jokes.
He was a large baby-faced man with dark horn-rimmed glasses and the stub of a cigar clamped in one corner of his mouth.
Sorrell, a baby-faced man whose owlish glasses make him look like a precocious child, actually seems hurt by all the criticism.
She glanced at the deputy, a baby-faced young man who hardly looked old enough to be out past ten, let alone to carry a weapon.
Sergeant McNaughton was described as a quiet baby-faced man who devoted his life to public service.
In "Imaginary Portrait," an unusually intact, bright-eyed, baby-faced man emerges from a cloud of soot.
When he did, he saw that the driver was a gangly, baby-faced man, who wore his thinning hair long and loose.
I found myself facing a sandy-haired, baby-faced man my age dressed in jeans, suspenders, and a white shirt and bow tie.
I looked into the eyes of the tall, sandy-haired, baby-faced man.