Richard Cizik, the Washington representative of the National Association of Evangelicals, has all but backed Obama.
The state ultimately backed Obama that year by a ten-point margin.
Pertaining to socioeconomic class, Clinton won all levels of family income except highly affluent voters making $200,000 or more a year, as they backed Obama by a narrow margin of 53-47 percent.
As for educational attainment levels, Clinton won all categories except those with postgraduate degrees who backed Obama by a margin of 51-47 percent.
Cole County was one of only six counties (including the independent city of St. Louis) that backed Obama in Missouri.
The District also includes highly educated upper-middle class professionals who tend to be relatively progressive/liberal, another segment of the population that often backed Obama.
Like Oprah backing Obama!
Albany County, which includes the University of Wyoming at Laramie, was the only other county in the state to have backed Obama.
Four years later, in 2000, she backed Obama in a doomed congressional campaign against a local icon, the former Black Panther Bobby Rush.
Predominantly urban with a substantial African American population, St. Louis City backed Obama with 71.09 percent of the vote while Hillary Rodham Clinton only received 27.25 percent.