Museum and gallery goers have been backing British culture, despite the economic downturn.
Logan backed away despite himself, edging toward the darkness, not understanding why, but feeling that his presence was invasive and perhaps even dangerous.
Bush strongly backed the measure, passed by Congress on June 13, despite objections from some business groups that it would lead to numerous law suits.
And Deutsche Bank continues to back him, despite Herrhausen's death.
With that she took a piece of fish off of the plate and offered it to Ling-Ling, who backed away despite her hunger.
Finn backed away despite himself, and the man in the cell laughed hysterically.
Jadway backed away instinctively, despite the fact that he held a gun in his hand.
My special thanks go to those colleagues who largely backed the project despite the sensitivities in their own countries.
At the time the firm's joint chairman, Mike Laziridis, backed the device despite its disappointing sales.
The board backed their decision despite initial scepticism by Watford fans and the club entered a new era under Boothroyd.