The bank closed or sold less productive branches, outsourced some back-office functions, and eliminated jobs.
Worse, its back-office functions - staffing and billing - aren't all that strong.
Many back-office functions of loan origination continue from this point and are described in the Processing section below.
About 12,000 of those workers process credit card and mortgage payments and perform other back-office functions.
It is planning to construct a 150,000-square-foot building that will consolidate many back-office functions for its corporate and investment bank.
For example, outsourcing accounting and other back-office functions might allow you to concentrate on your core business.
- Schools have been asked to find £1bn in savings between 2010-11 and 2014-15 from back-office functions and procurement.
It handles the South condominium's back-office functions of billings and payments.
Morgan Stanley has more than 900 employees in India, and about 600 of them are responsible for back-office functions.
As with manufacturers decades ago, financial service companies have found ways to move many back-office functions to cheaper locations, or to mechanize them.