Ready to embrace back-to-school shopping for things you can use, say, next week?
Keep your wallet full and your kids happy with these tips for back-to-school shopping on a budget.
But these days, back-to-school shopping includes ever more high-tech tools.
How much you think you will spend on back-to-school shopping may be far different from the reality, a new study suggests.
A nasty custody trial and back-to-school shopping for his girlfriend.
And August, when the team was in the championship series, was also the peak time for back-to-school shopping.
I have forgotten to do my back-to-school shopping again.
The end of summer is in sight and you know what that means: back-to-school shopping.
The nation's big retailers had modest sales gains in September, with most of the pickup coming from delayed back-to-school shopping.
The second spurt of back-to-school shopping occurs after Labor Day.