The adult background coloration is black but the scales of the body, except those at the front from nape to abdomen, are rimmed with golden yellow.
The background coloration is nearly white, while the intensity of the markings varies considerably.
(outside North America capitals with background coloration indicate a song title or sound effect description)
(outside North America capitals with black or no background coloration indicates when a word is stressed or emphasized)
The body has a olive-greenish background coloration, the top of the scales is darker creating by the way visual effect of network.
This gecko has a "mossy" appearance due to the complex patterns of white and yellow shades on the background green coloration of the body.
The background coloration is white and banded with orange to yellow fine stripes.
The background coloration is whitish and banded with large brown stripes whose color intensity varies from an individual to another.
The background coloration goes from white to grey and the body is harmoniously dotted with black spots.
It has creamy white bands against a brown background coloration.