In some versions of this game, the background graphics are only in black and white but the sprites show a little color.
However, some of its background graphics lived on and were reused on Night Tracks from 1985-1989.
Some aspects of background graphics appear in certain levels (especially on levels 12, 20, 28, and 36).
Pelloni said that the hardest part in developing the game was the background graphics, which he drew by himself, despite having no artistic experience.
Use Left and Right to slow down and speed up background graphics and enemies.
Dysinger said the background graphics were of a high quality, stating the game presents "the best fields and stadiums to play in".
While the staff felt the background graphics were important, they prioritized excitement in the game world.
Players can also change options such as time limits, grid size, power-ups, and background graphics.
Do not include photographs, illustrations, or background graphics or colors.
The game is a standard text adventure with static background graphics in some locations.