It was horrifying to see such a staggering loss of life to sickness; Jennsen feared to imagine the far worse carnage to come in the battle for freedom.
When Protestant gunmen retaliated by killing Catholics, there were a half-dozen more funerals; it was the worst carnage in years in British-ruled Northern Ireland.
Attack on a Schoolyard Dr. Mujkanovic said a surprise Serbian attack on a yard outside Srebrenica's refugee-packed school at 2 P.M. on April 12 produced the worst carnage he witnessed during the entire war.
The massacre of more than 400 civilians in Algeria by Islamic extremists was described in Le Monde of Paris as the worst such carnage ever carried out during the holy month of Ramadan.
But if his advice prevails, might he not find himself returning fairly soon to even worse carnage, indignant that the world did not do more to stop it?
More than 50 people died, and scores were injured in a scene Mohammed Shaffi, a Reuters television cameraman, called the worst carnage he had ever seen.
Dean had seen worse carnage, though the limited space between the storage frames made it appear terrible.
It was the site of the worst carnage in Serbia during World War II when German occupational forces executed nearly 80,000 people, many of them prisoners of the nearby Banjica concentration camp.
Innocent people, devoted to knowledge--lost to the worst carnage I've seen during this whole bloody struggle.
Capt. Drew O'Donell of Brooklyn, assigned to the First Battalion, Third Field Artillery, looked at the highway and said, "This is probably the worst carnage in the Kuwait theater of operations."