Lewis also voiced the feelings of several trainers who thought the Derby field should be reduced from the current maximum of 20 to avoid worse congestion.
This currently causes the worst congestion in the Chicago area.
Half the elevators in the building could be shut down during the drawn-out project, they warned, creating even worse congestion.
If you do go on a weekend, try to get there early to avoid the worst congestion; Saturday is usually less crowded than Sunday.
Navigators can then automatically plot a course to avoid the worst congestion.
Finally, many drivers say that they simply prefer the convenience and solitude of their own vehicles and have found ways to get around the worst congestion.
The afternoon rush at the Holland Tunnel rivals that at the Queensboro Bridge as the worst congestion in Manhattan.
At last she cleared the worst congestion and found the avenue.
Roads and ports in this country are increasingly choked with cars and ships, the congestion worse than China's but not yet as bad as India's.
"Some of our worst congestion is caused by people in $30,000 autos driving to $100,000-a-year jobs who leave an expressway to save $2," Mr. Sandler said.