Johnson called his meeting one day after the worst debacle on the trip, a 10-3 shellacking the Mets took Tuesday night from the Giants, and even the pitching went into a tailspin.
Even if the new bill is not sent back to the committee, its prospects remain uncertain because few members of Congress want to support publicly a costly and scandal-ridden bailout that is part of the nation's worst financial debacle since the 1930's.
Intense speculation in financial markets, lack of adequate regulation and supervision, and weak crisis resolution mechanisms in important countries have led to what seems to be by far the worst financial debacle since World War II.
Some economists have estimated that the savings and loan crisis, the worst financial debacle in American history, could ultimately cost taxpayers $500 billion.
After Gadamer's death, Derrida called their failure to find common ground one of the worst debacles of his life and expressed, in the main obituary for Gadamer, his great personal and philosophical respect.
As the division history put it, the legend "was aided by the universality of the press and radio, of ten thousand daily maps showing one spot holding out inside the rolling tide of the worst American military debacle of modern times.
He kept his loser manager, Joe Torre, after the team blew almost all of a 10-game lead last summer, then blew the American League Championships Series in the worst debacle in sports history.
For the United Nations, getting the convoy through headed off what had threatened to be the worst debacle in a year of frustrations in trying to mitigate the miseries of the Bosnian war.
Those aspects were lacking in the collapse of the savings and loan industry, the worst debacle in public finance in American history, which never jelled as a real political scandal.
He, his pregnant mother and younger brothers and sisters stumbled into one of the worst debacles of the war - the frantic retreat of Allied troops at the Battle of Dunkirk.