Status and equipment of the brigade meant that it was always used in the worst fighting.
Now the latest promises of peace have yielded to the worst fighting in decades.
Although there have been occasional skirmishes recently, this appears to be by far the worst fighting in nearly a year.
Locals have called it the worst fighting since the battle of Aleppo began.
Maybe they're afraid that firefight's going to touch off some worse fighting.
The black banner was found inside a house in southeast Falluja, site of the worst fighting last week.
It was reported to be the worst fighting in months as scores of dead on both sides were accounted for.
It got them away from the city, too, where the worst fighting was.
That may still be possible, but the worst fighting since 1967 has called the assumption into question.
In some of the worst fighting yet, at least 20 people were killed over the weekend.