They also hadn't had a bad flare-up of COPD in at least a month.
"I've had bad flare-ups before and know I can get through this."
Unlike baseball's labor conflicts, which scrapped last year's World Series, the latest and worst flare-up in the almost two-decade battle for control of Indy-car racing will not threaten the actual running of the 1996 Indianapolis 500.
Their average use was 58 percent of what was prescribed, and among those who had the worst flare-ups, the average use was only 14 percent.
While Hispanic lawmakers and advocacy groups have suffered a string of policy defeats, namely on welfare and immigration, they are convinced that the worst flare-ups are behind them.
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Even cooking, a lifelong passion of hers, has become a problem because the heat of the oven or broiler triggers flushing and forces her to leave the kitchen or risk an even worse flare-up.
If you have a very bad flare-up of Crohn's disease, you will most likely need IV corticosteroids (like hydrocortisone) to get the disease under control.
Pro-Iranian Muslim guerrillas fought large-scale artillery and rocket battles with Israeli troops in southern Lebanon Wednesday in what security officials here described as the worst flare-up of violence in the area this year.
I couldn't attend sporting events during bad flare-ups.